First TV AD In Support Of Prop 8

ImageThe movement to pass Proposition 8 in order to overturn the legality of same sex marriage in California, has launched its first television ad. Seems it’s not enough to appeal to those who for whatever crazy reason, think gay marriage is a "threat", but the ad spews three blatant lies. It asserts that Prop 8 will create gay sex education in schools (FALSE), that churches could lose their tax exempt status (FALSE, churches aren’t even required to perform gay marriages if they don’t want to. Remember, in America, marriage is a CIVIL act, not a religious one) and that people may get sued for personal beliefs (FALSE).

If you enter into any discussion with someone in support of Prop 8, know that the Proposition is very simple and has one result and one result only if passed. It will amend the California State Constitution to state that marriage is only between a man and a woman, thereby ending the current legality of same sex marriage in the state. 

Watch the video HERE


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