Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church vandalized

This morning between 7 and 8 am, someone purposely broke almost every window in our Social Hall and Office/Class Wing including the glass doors on Fruit Ave. A rough estimate of damage is $25,000. Found on one of the railings was a proud boy sticker. All activities and events are canceled this week for everyone’s safety – there is glass all over the place.

– Pastor Bill Knezovich

It has been a place of welcoming place of worship, and important location for the LGBTQ+ community. In the early morning of the vandalism, the church was empty, and no one was hurt. However, the damage caused was significant, and the community has been left in shock and disbelief.

The incident was reported to the police immediately, and an investigation was launched. The investigation is ongoing.

Multiple glass windows were shattered. The damage to the church was not just physical, but emotional as well. For many members of the congregation, the church is a sacred place, and the violation of that space was deeply disturbing.

Despite the trauma caused by the vandalism, the community is asked to come together at the church, on April 30th at 6pm. A fundraiser was set up, and donations will be used to repair the church. LGBT Fresno has donated $500 towards this important fundraiser.


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